
Monday 25 November 2013

Men’s Health – What You Should Know About man-hood Fracture!

A man-hood fracture can occur when there is trauma to the erect man-hood.
During an erection, the man-hood is engorged with blood. If the man-hood is bent suddenly or forcefully while it’s engorged, the trauma may rupture the lining of one of the two cylinders in the man-hood (corpus cavernosum) responsible for erections — resulting in a man-hood fracture. The trauma is usually related to aggressive or acrobatic s*xual intercourse or, in some cases, aggressive self service.
A man-hood fracture is a painful injury that’s often accompanied by an audible cracking sound, followed immediately by dark bruising of the man-hood due to blood escaping the cylinder. In some cases the tube that drains urine from the body (urethra) may be damaged as well, and blood may be visible at the urinary opening of the man-hood.
A man-hood fracture requires urgent medical attention. A man-hood fracture can usually be diagnosed with a physical exam, and prompt surgical repair is typically recommended. Left untreated, a man-hood fracture may result in deformity of the man-hood or the inability to have or maintain an erection (erectile dysfunction).

Must Read: Women Reveal The Truth About man-hood Size

Whoever coined the reassuring catchphrase “size doesn’t matter” may have lied.

According to a new study in The Journal of s*xual Medicine, one-third of women who frequently have vaginal orgasms claim they’re more likely to climax when having s*x with men with larger penises.
Researchers asked more than 300 women how often they had s*x, how frequently they had vaginal and/or clitoral orgasms, and whether or not man-hood length influenced their ability to climax during intercourse. Out of the 160 women who often experienced vaginal-only orgasms and had enough partners to compare sizes, one third said they preferred longer-than-average penises.
What exactly does “average” count for these days? According to a study, you can compare your man-hood to the length of a 20-pound banknote or U.S. dollar bill, so 5.8 inches and 6.1 inches, respectively.
But before you start freaking out that you don’t measure up, keep this in mind: 60 percent of the women in the survey did report that size made no difference. What’s more, when Men’s Health surveyed 3,289 women on how happy they are with their s*x lives, only 7 percent of sexually satisfied women said that man-hood size was critical to their pleasure.
So sure, size may matter to some women, for some types of orgasms. But the good news is you can outsmart your size even if you come up short. Your secret weapons? Passion, foreplay, and variety. Here’s how to make them work for you.

1. Give Her a Rubdown
It isn’t your man-hood that keeps women coming back for more, it’s your passion, says Yvonne K. Fulbright, Ph.D., sexologist and Astroglide’s Health and Wellness Ambassador. But that doesn’t always mean ripping her clothes off as soon as you close the bedroom door.
Try this: Before you begin rounding the basis, start small. Run your fingers through her hair, caress her jaw line, and return to massaging her scalp. Continue to work your fingers down her neck and on to her shoulders, stopping the massage every so often to briefly kiss her on the back of her head or on her ear.

2. Ice, Ice Baby!
If foreplay to you means a couple minutes of hands-on-br**sts action, it’s time for a serious upgrade. You need to show her you’re not in a hurry.
Try this: Remove her bra so you can kiss, nibble, and lick all over her br**sts. Take her bosom in your mouth and roll your tongue around its perimeter. Then pop an ice cube in your mouth and repeat the process. Once her bosom’s erect from temperature spike, remove the cube and continue until your mouth and tongue is warm again.
3. Enhance Your Erection
Once she’s ready to go, choose a flattering position. “Avoid missionary,” says Jen Landa, M.D., author of The s*x Drive Solution for Women. “You’re not able to penetrate as deep and the angle doesn’t really accentuate your size.” Instead, try these two positions, the Flatiron and the cowgirl

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